Capital Hotel i Beijing Shi

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3, Qianmen East Street, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86 10 5815 9988
Latitude: 39.901485, Longitude: 116.409693
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Kommentar 5

  • Mika Bettanin

    Mika Bettanin


    Heat hotel situated a couple of minutes away from Tien'an men square. Rooms are spacious and the views are great. Breakfast was rich and had a mixed of Chinese and Western food. Staff was friendly and helpful though not all of them could understand English.

  • Robert Schmitz

    Robert Schmitz


    What a wonderful hotel in Beijing, friendly staff, good services, and quite large hotel with bigger then normal hotel rooms. At the time of my stay the outside was going under a makeover to renew all the areas. This hotel is close to tianemen square, the subway, shopping stores and other sites Well worth the stay here as off the road and extremely quiet.

  • Ubaid Rafique

    Ubaid Rafique


    Need lots of improvements specially toilets and central air conditioning system

  • Larry Hallberg

    Larry Hallberg


    Been there twice and will be staying there in the spring of 2019. The hotel is very close to the rail system and The Forbidden City. They have a tour and train ticket office in the lobby. Love their currency exchange machines that charge a very small fee for the exchange. The food and service are very good. Spring of 2017 they were constructing outdoor spaces that looked pretty cool. We are looking forward to see what it looks like when finished. I highly recommend this hotel.

  • Aruna R. Mohotti

    Aruna R. Mohotti


    Amazing hotel. Service is very good. Nice selection of foods, night time cafe, and spa to relax your day. Made stay in beijing very pleasent with Capital Hotel. At last we choose Capital Hotel, but it should have be the first.

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