Happy Dragon Hostel i Beijing Shi

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29, Renmin Shichang West Alley, 100010, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86 10 8402 5715
Hjemmeside: www.happydragonhostel.com
Latitude: 39.926304, Longitude: 116.413429
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Kommentar 5

  • João Carlos Vergueiro

    João Carlos Vergueiro


    Terrible wifi, no view at all, no breakfast room (we had to eat the breakfast on our laps, in the room). Some of the staff speak very little English. Our DND was disrespected and the staff went in to clear the bins. (nothing went missing)

  • Kennedy Yap

    Kennedy Yap


    Bad reception desk manners. Staff have no intention to assist tourism... Room is normal.. Nothing fantastic. Place is deep inside an alley. About 200 meters walk to the nearest main road. Price is OK. Only 2 toilets and 2 showers to share with about 12 rooms hostel. Not recommended.

  • 4g Rox

    4g Rox


    The reception speak english and nice. The room is ok. Nice place to stay

  • Friedbert Rupp

    Friedbert Rupp


    This is a nice little hunting village hostel - small rooms but with all the friendly serving crew a good experience place to explore Beijing. The atmosphere is cosy and the aspect that you might friendly young people from around the whole world is good and helps to connect friendship around the world. You might have not this much comfort you use to be but you get more in return if you are open minded. Beijing is anyway a city to have a stop over when ever you able to do - go ahead enjoy the area you stay and be happy together with Beijing!!

  • Kieron Mcloughlin

    Kieron Mcloughlin


    A hidden treasure- I had a great experience here. Rooms were a little small, however when taking into consideration the price, they are great. Location is excellent, walking distance to the forbidden city and a train station a few hundred meters away. The bar area is a great place to socialize with people from around the world, with cheap beers to cap it off. The staff were the highlight for me, so friendly and helpful. The lady sat down and drew a full map for me and my brother. She was so outgoing and friendly, her service was better than that of a $300/night hotel I had just left. All in all, I have no choice but to give it a 10/10 and would recommend to anybody.

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