Jade Hotel i Beijing Shi

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5, 北河沿大街智德北巷, 100006, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86 10 6525 9966
Hjemmeside: www.xihuahotel.com
Latitude: 39.918595, Longitude: 116.404885
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Kommentar 5

  • Christina Catron

    Christina Catron


    Clean rooms, quiet street, excellent location to Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. Staff spoke decent English, helped us book a taxi, and had cheap water for sale at the front desk. I would HIGHLY recommend using a bike share program to get around. With bikes, our travel time to several different subway entrances was only 5-10 minutes. We booked the family room suite which ended up being a living room (which had a large cot for the third member of our party), and a separate room with the bathroom attached. I would definitely stay here again.

  • Szczepan Janus

    Szczepan Janus


    Quite far away from the subway but very close to the forbidden city. Small shop just around the corner if you need anything in the middle of the night. Hotel could be refreshed. I got room on a 5th floor when a lift operates only up to 4th one so be ready for that if this is a problem for you. Room was smelly from the cigarettes regardless from the fact it was a non-smoking one. For this price I guess you can find something better.

  • Mohamad Fikrillah

    Mohamad Fikrillah


    Little bit far from subway station. The rest, just perfect!

  • Brian Iglesias

    Brian Iglesias



  • Marius Røstad

    Marius Røstad


    Cheap hotel, comfy beds and pretty central. It's about 20 min walk to the subway. It's within walking distance to the forbidden city and the sights around.

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