Wangfujing i Beijing

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Wangfujing, Dongcheng, Beijing, Chiny, 100006
Kontakter telefon: +86
Latitude: 39.908076, Longitude: 116.41148
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Kommentar 5

  • Ben Nolte

    Ben Nolte


    Great place to stop for food and shopping.

  • Carlos Kan

    Carlos Kan


    La estación conecta con un mall, lo que permite e incentiva el comercio. Es decir, en el camino y vice versa puedes adquirir un café, té, helado, comer, etc.

  • Panna Rahman

    Panna Rahman


    A world class subway route station.

  • Jitsiri T.

    Jitsiri T.


    เดินทางไป มา สะดวก แต่ถ้าคนเยอะก็ไม่ได้นั่งค่ะ

  • Paul Sedillo

    Paul Sedillo


    If you are looking for the famous street food alley and shopping district, this is your subway stop. Make sure you map out beforehand exactly where it is, because it's easy to get turned around when trying to find the alley with the food stalls.

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