Beijing International Hotel i Beijing Shi

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9, Jianguomen Inner Street, 100001, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86 10 6512 6688
Latitude: 39.909794, Longitude: 116.428291
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Kommentar 5

  • Lynda Stirling

    Lynda Stirling


    Dirty ,dark, dated with rude staff

  • Tonito Solinas

    Tonito Solinas


    Nice hotel. Rooms are reasonably clean even according to Italian standards. Nice conference hall.

  • Matthew Thompson

    Matthew Thompson


    Awesome Hotel, very nice big rooms the bathrooms are huge and very nicely done. Checked in on the Executive Floor and the staff were great language was not an issue. The breakfast buffet is very big has a very diverse selection of food, something for everyone. There was a wedding in the courtyard which shows just how nice the courtyard is. Rooms were very clean and even had a walk-in closet. The restaurant on the top floor was really worth it, the food was very good and the service was great.

  • Joydeep Chakraborty

    Joydeep Chakraborty


    I Booked the Hotel with Ctrip . I checked in on 28th October , 2016 and while checking Hotel swiped my debit card and took RMB 6000 as a deposit . While Checking out on 30th October , 2016 ,I settled my bills by cash and gave me a paper showing RMB 6000 has been reversed in my Account . I returned back to India but till date they have not reversed my Money (RMB6000) . Seems they have kept my money and in a way I lost RMB 6000

  • Dr Nicholas Exadaktylos

    Dr Nicholas Exadaktylos


    Very good hotel near Central Rail Station and in close distance from Tienanmen Square. Excellent rooms, and restaurants, superb quality of food there. But.. very rude personnel, asking for tip. Apart from that, it is highly recommended._

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