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南河沿大街华龙街, 100006, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86 10 8511 0088
Latitude: 39.90989, Longitude: 116.406975
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Kommentar 5

  • Екатерина Тадер

    Екатерина Тадер


    Good hotel. Not too much new, but very suitable for few days

  • Hilary Tinsley

    Hilary Tinsley


    The location of the TianAn Regards is excellent. Between Wangfujing and Tiananmen Square, it is walking distance from most sites in Beijing. Rooms vary greatly in size. We have stayed twice: once in October and once in May. This has lead us to the conclusion that the rooms do not have functioning heating and cooling, despite controls on the wall. Weather was quite nice in May, with highs in the upper 70s F, but the rooms on the fourth floor we're stifling. There is a small window in each room, but with only one with a small opening, it afforded little cross breeze. There are no fans. If staying in spring or summer, ask for a room on a lower floor. Beds are reasonably comfortable; the larger the bed, the stiffer they are. Overall, I would stay here again, but ensure I book a room on the appropriate floor for hot or cold weather.

  • Jo O'Leary

    Jo O'Leary


    So much fun we ate on the rooftop terrace where we stayed for late night drinks. The food was so satisfying and beautifully prepared. Staff bent over backwards for us. The best long island ice tea ever had!!

  • Trade Banter

    Trade Banter


    Very average room, got a way smaller room than in pictures, dark and dingy lighting in the bathroom, reception didn’t speak much English which made it hard for international visitors, room had all your toiletries though, toothbrush, shampoo, combs and shower caps, breakfast was very odd and people always loud in the hallways on their phones or just chatting.

  • Brandon tinsley

    Brandon tinsley


    A nice quaint clean hotel. The bed was hard and the thermostat didn't work. But truthfully, it was a wonderful place to stay and I would stay again.

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