Redwall Jingshan Garden Hotel i Beijing Shi

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68, Sanyanjing Hutong, 100006, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86 10 8404 7979
Latitude: 39.927786, Longitude: 116.399974
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Kommentar 5

  • Karolina Butwilowska

    Karolina Butwilowska


  • Gianfranco Marino

    Gianfranco Marino


  • Shirley Sy

    Shirley Sy


  • Rene Reiter

    Rene Reiter


    Nice, smale, clean and cheap hotel in the center cof beijing. Friendly and helpfull staff 24/7. The breakfast ist horrible..

  • Miguel Gomez

    Miguel Gomez


    I was arriving really early from the airport on my first day , called beforehand and there was no problem doing and early check-in . The room was quite cold so they moved me to another room that was a bit warmer . The hotel was very clean and tidy . Don't expect your typical westernised hotel . This place is only catered for people who are open and willing to undergo a true Chinese living experience. The staff is quite helpful, speak good English and the location is excellent for someone who wants to visit the main city landmarks by day.

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