Yuqingdong Tea House i Beijing Shi

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77, South Chizi Street, 100006, Beijing Shi, CN China
Kontakter telefon: +86
Latitude: 39.910891, Longitude: 116.4030822
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Kommentar 5

  • Mohammad Hashemi

    Mohammad Hashemi


    Few days ago at the northern entrance to the forbidden city, a woman approached us and said she wants to learn some phrases from our language as she is going to have some guests from my country. She insisted to come with us to the metro station and to have a coffee in a coffee shop near the metro station for 10 minutes. We ordered a coffee and a glass of orange juice and she ordered tea. The waiter brought us three pots of tea, one cup of coffee, one glass of orange juice, some cherries and some nuts! Then the 717 Yuan appeared on the table! For reference, you can eat a very good lunch in Beijing with 100 Yuan. At the end, we agreed to pay 200 Yuan instead of going to Police since it was our last day in Beijing and we still had one place to visit. This is quite astonishing to see reviews of this scam place dating back to few years ago and they are still in business! Google maps are filtered in china and nobody can check!

  • Nick And Sassi Stuckey-Beeri

    Nick And Sassi Stuckey-Beeri


    Avoid tea scam house! We managed to get a part refund after a lady came with us after to help us as we tried to get police involved but they did not speak English. Well overcharged for rubbish wine!

  • Chad Kittel

    Chad Kittel


    Scam house! Avoid avoid avoid!

  • Daniel Neummann

    Daniel Neummann


    Just can agree with the former posting. Don't let yourself convince to share a bottle of wine there with some girls who approached to you, you will leave as a poor guy.

  • Falk Seifert

    Falk Seifert


    NEVER STEP INSIDE! This place is used for so called "Tea house scams". (Just search the web for this term.) You will be charged between 100 and 200 RMB for a cup of tea and between 2000 and 4000 RMB for a bottle of cheap imported wine.

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