Tian'anmen East i Pekin

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Dongcheng, Pekin, Chiny
Kontakter telefon: +86
Latitude: 39.90778, Longitude: 116.401216
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Kommentar 5

  • Penghao Chen

    Penghao Chen


    This must be the metro station closest to the center of the Beijing city. Maybe it would be more economical to build just one Tiananmen station, but it is more meaningful not to touch the Longmai of the city. The security check there is super strict, as the square symbolises the soverignty of the country. A must visit place whenever I go to Beijing.

  • Urs Bolt

    Urs Bolt


    Easy to navigate subway station.

  • Murali P T

    Murali P T


    Easy to go to Forbidden city

  • Antonio Jagua

    Antonio Jagua


    Na China tem até trem do metrô q/passa por dentro de prédios, é incrível !

  • Radu Niculae

    Radu Niculae


    One of the most popular metro stations in the city.

Nærmeste Metrostation:


东长安街, Dongcheng, Beijing
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